Donation Nepal Childhood Visual Impairment Study
Thank you for considering supporting the Nepal Childhood Visual Impairment Study. In this project we aim to investigate the participation, physical activity and sleeping patterns of Nepalese blind and visually impaired children. The project is carried out by Srijana Adhikari MD. She is a pediatric ophthalmologist at the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology (WHO collaborating center) in Kathmandu and a PhD candidate at Amsterdam University Medical Centers and Amsterdam Public Health research institute in the Netherlands. Your donation will be used for expenses for actimeters, a laptop, costs for the field worker and PhD training costs. Srijana and the supervisory team are doing this project in their spare time and don’t use any financial resources (salary) whilst working on the project. More information about the project can be found here.
To make your donation, you can transfer any preferred amount to the bank account of the “VUmc Fonds” (VU University Medical Center Foundation). Please mention either the name of the project or “Ophthalmology – Nepal” to make sure your donation is dedicated to the right project.
IBAN: NL46 INGB 0000 0048 18