Collaboration in research
Since 2001, Low Vision Research has been increasingly collaborating with following institutions in scientific research:
Within these institutions there is the need for evidence-based protocols and interventions for visually impaired patients. Several studies have examined the effects of specific rehabilitation programs on quality of life and psychosocial functioning. Examples are PhD studies in which the effects of rehabilitation or e-health protocols are tested in randomized controlled trials or using other appropriate study designs. In addition, in collaboration with the centers of expertise, research has been done into the development and measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) using modern psychometric theories (IRT).
Permanent collaboration Robert Coppes Stichting
The Robert Coppes Stichting supports blind and partially sighted adults who almost always have physical, cognitive, psychosocial and/or psychiatric problems. It is this combination that makes life complex. The professionals of the Robert Coppes Stichting look for opportunities so that clients can live the life they want. The Robert Coppes Stichting offers various forms of support: 24-hour care in residential settings in Vught, specialized counseling and treatment at people’s homes in the south of the Netherlands, and customized daytime activities in Vught and Nijmegen.
Amsterdam UMC Ophthalmology has a structural collaboration with the Robert Coppes Stichting in the field of scientific research that is relevant to the specialist care that the foundation provides. Knowledge and expertise are shared by clinicians, care providers and researchers from both organizations. Several (junior and senior) researchers from Amsterdam UMC work at the Robert Coppes Stichting to connect practice and science. In addition, the Robert Coppes Stichting sponsors the chair of Visual Functioning and Health of Prof.dr. Ruth van Nispen. Projects that have already been set up together:
- Exploring the relationship between post-traumatic stress and visual impairment
- Identifying depression and anxiety in visually impaired adults
- The use of a short questionnaire (Patient Health Questionnaire-4) for screening depression and anxiety in visually impaired people
- Mapping the impact of visual impairment and psychiatric disorder on people’s daily lives
- The use of a stepped-care method to prevent depression and anxiety disorders in people with a visual impairment
- Applying a new care framework (ART: Active Recovery Triad) in long-term care for adults with visual impairments and psychiatric problems
Collaboration with other centers of expertise
Royal Dutch Visio supports the chair (via the Novum Foundation) by embedding scientific studies in the Visual Functioning and Health chair. This are the current studies:
- VIP-path: referral from ophthalmologist to visual rehabilitation
- Gaining insight into dual sensory loss
- VHLE-Study: Efficiency intensive rehabilitation
Bartiméus and Blindenzorg Licht en Liefde are also long-term partners of the low vision research group from Amsterdam UMC, organisations collaborate in scientific research and implementation projects.