Laura Otting
Junior onderzoeker
Laura Otting is a Human Movement Scientist, who graduated from the VU Amsterdam in 2021. After completing her studies, she started as a junior researcher at the Royal Visio in Amsterdam, which is a rehabilitation center for the blind and partially sighted, including people with visual complaints due to cerebral visual problems, such as an acquired brain injury (ABI). Here, she conducts research into the rehabilitation trajectory for ABI clients, with the aim of adapting it to a more goal-oriented and less stressful trajectory.
What makes performing research interesting and challenging for her?
Laura enjoys seeing how a series of data can be converted into new valuable developments for humans. She finds it interesting how research can give insight into certain issues as well as the ability to always learn something new. She sees the challenge in her work through acquiring new information across different areas of expertise of the rehabilitation process and bringing them together.